UK: Sunak Open to Nurse Wage Increases


  • British Prime Minister Sunak said on Sunday that he will not rule out reopening the pay deal for nurses when meeting health workers' leaders. He signaled for the first time a willingness to address their demands for pay increases.
  • Sunak is under increasing pressure from members of his Conservative Party to improve wage offers to healthcare staff and is leading a government under fire for its response to the UK's biggest wave of industrial labor movements in decades.
  • Sunak told the press: "We want to have a reasonable, honest, two-way conversation about pay. The door has always been open to talk about the things that nurses want to talk about, and the unions want to talk about more generally."
  • Pat Cullen, the head of the Royal College of Nursing union, expressed optimism after noticing a "little shift" in the prime minister’s stance, while Labour and the Unite union accused Sunak of making misleading statements over the offer. Labour said the Prime Minister was taking nurses and ambulance workers "for fools" because the government has made it clear it would only negotiate pay rises for next year.
  • The unions have announced that they will stop strikes in the coming weeks if offers are made to settle the dispute over this year's wage agreement. Thousands of care workers in the UK are likely to be on strike again during Jan. 18-19, and ambulance workers are speculated to go on strike on Jan. 23.
  • Last week the government proposed new legislation that may complicate Monday's talks, which will make it harder for firefighters, ambulance, and rail workers to strike. Unions have already criticized the new law that will force workers in strategic services to maintain a basic level of service during strike action or risk being dismissed.

Sources: Guardian, Al Jazeera, Reuters, US Today, and CNN.


  • Left narrative, as provided by Social Review. Not only have nurses and frontline workers borne the brunt of the pandemic, they now face a government trying to nickel-and-dime them out of a necessary and well-deserved pay increase. Even worse, while dealing with record-high inflation and a buckling healthcare system. Public sector wages have stagnated profoundly under conservative governance. This unacceptable exploitation of essential workers needs to stop.
  • Right narrative, as provided by Telegraph. Unions must face the fact that every day they stay on the picket line puts the lives of countless Britons at risk. The government is scrambling to find solutions to the economic crisis sparked by COVID and inflation, as well as the market destabilization induced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The unions are simply not playing fair by ignoring the reality of current economic circumstances — this is a safety issue.