UK PM Sunak Criticized for Awarding Tory Donor Knighthood


  • UK PM Rishi Sunak is facing criticism for awarding Conservative Party donor and senior treasurer Mohamed Mansour a knighthood within his suprise March 2024 honors and appointments list.1
  • In 2023, Mansour gifted £5M (US$6.3M) to the Conservative party, making him the third largest Tory donor behind the late Lord John Sainsbury (£10.2M/$12.9M), and Frank Hester (£10M/$12.6M).2
  • Mansour — who served as Egypt's transport minister between 2006 and 2009 — is the chairman of the Mansour Group and the founder of investment bank Man Capital. At the time, Mansour's £5M donation was the largest Conservative donation since 2001.3
  • The news comes following another recent Conservative party controversy concerning donor Hester, who is currently being investigated by West Yorkshire Police for his comments in 2019 that MP Dianne Abbott made him 'want to hate all black women' and that the politician 'should be shot.'4
  • Further honors include knighthoods for film producer Christopher Nolan and Demis Hassabis for co-founding Google's DeepMind, as well as the title of Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for the chair of the UK's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety Institute Ian Hogarth.1

Sources:,, 3BBC News (a) and 4BBC News (b).


  • Right narrative, as provided by The Telegraph. Whilst Mansour's knighthood has certainly sparked controversy, this shouldn't overshadow the extreme irregularity of a surprise honors list — only fueling speculation over the date of the next general election. In light of Frank Hester's recent scandal, for several Sunak loyalists to be gifted within an ad hoc honors list suggests the prime minister is attempting to secure support before his future is placed in the hands of the British public.
  • Left narrative, as provided by Inews.Co.Uk. Sunak's honors list — which rewards influential donors with peerages despite recent controversy over their behavior and influence within British politics —has only further reaffirmed his open cronyism and highlighted that even he believes he's on the way out. Readers can rest assured that, regardless of Sunak's unethical attempts to secure support, the prime minister will undoubtedly soon be removed at the next general election.
