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UK House of Commons Approves Controversial Asylum Bill

On Wednesday, the UK's House of Commons voted 289 to 230 in favor of the controversial Illegal Migration Bill, after the British government adopted several amendments from Conservative lawmakers despite criticism from the UN and refugee organizations.

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by Improve the News Foundation
UK House of Commons Approves Controversial Asylum Bill
Image credit: Reuters


  • On Wednesday, the UK's House of Commons voted 289 to 230 in favor of the controversial Illegal Migration Bill, after the British government adopted several amendments from Conservative lawmakers despite criticism from the UN and refugee organizations.1
  • The bill, which prevents asylum seekers crossing the English Channel in small boats from entering the UK, now proceeds to the House of Lords which can only amend or delay the bill.2
  • The vote came despite criticism from leading Conservatives such as Theresa May. The former Prime Minister claimed that the bill will result in modern slavery and human trafficking increases, condemning the government's attempts to tackle the problem as a "slap in the face."3
  • To address the concerns of some of its lawmakers, the government introduced a new amendment to define safe and legal routes for migrants to the UK as well as granting greater leeway to challenge European court rulings.4
  • Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had made ending cross-Channel migration a priority for his government, and the new bill stipulates that anyone arriving in small boats will be barred from claiming asylum and either deported to their home country or designated partner countries.5
  • Defending the legislation, Home Secretary Suella Braverman claimed on Wednesday that the behavior of many people arriving in the UK via small boats was "at odds" with British values and that criminality was "very closely linked" to their arrival.6

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2ABC News, 3Guardian, 4BBC News, 5Reuters, and 6Sky News.


  • Establishment-critical narrative, as provided by TRT World. This inhumane law violates the UN Refugee Convention, and betrays so-called "Western values." However, the UK is only the most prominent example of how Western countries buy their way out of their humanitarian obligations by turning poor and undemocratic countries like Rwanda into offshore dumping grounds for asylum seekers. This disgraceful practice underlines yet again that the West has lost any right to portray itself as the champion of human rights.
  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by Jersey Evening Post. The bill is essential simply because the uncontrolled flow of migrants threatens to undermine Britain's national security. Critics of the reform are posing as generous humanitarians without offering a solution to the social woes caused by the influx. Additionally, the number of conflicts in the world is increasing, underscoring the need to revise international refugee agreements. If the UK is to remain a peaceful multi-ethnic nation, reasonable and responsible action must be taken now.
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by Improve the News Foundation

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