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UAE to Allow Climate Protests at COP28

On Tuesday, in a joint statement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said that environmental activists will be allowed to gather peacefully and protest at COP28.

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by Improve the News Foundation
UAE to Allow Climate Protests at COP28
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


  • On Tuesday, in a joint statement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said that environmental activists will be allowed to gather peacefully and protest at COP28.1
  • The climate summit will take place from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12 this year and will be hosted in Dubai where demonstrations require permission — and are only approved — if the state determines the event will not be disruptive.2
  • The announcement comes after a deal was reached between UNFCCC chief Simon Stiell and COP28 president Sultan al-Jaber that determined the legal responsibilities for organizing and hosting the summit.3
  • Environmental groups praised the agreement, with the Climate Action Network International congratulating Stiell for "fostering an inclusive climate summit" but warning that any attempts to reduce civil society participation would be met with resistance.4
  • Activists across the globe have expressed concerns since the UAE, the world's seventh-largest oil producer and fourth-largest polluter per capita, was chosen to host the talks, denouncing a potential conflict of interest as the head of the national oil company was appointed to chair the event.5
  • Large protests have been commonplace at most previous COPs. In the most recent meeting, Egyptian authorities — who have a record of cracking down on demonstrations — allowed rallies but only during predetermined hours and locations.1

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2Euronews, 3France 24, 4The Times of Israel, and 5Brussels Times.


  • Establishment-critical narrative, as provided by CNBC. The appointment of Sultan al-Jaber as COP28 president is akin to putting the wolf in charge of the henhouse. The COP summits are supposed to be a safe space to hold the feet of polluters to the fire and have them be accountable for their damage to the planet. It's clear that UNFCCC leadership is allowing fossil fuel interests to infiltrate the summits to change the narrative to what al-Jaber calls "pragmatism and constructive dialogue."
  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by Guardian. COP28 this year will be a momentous event. While not enough has been done, the hope is that the results will spur nations into greater action. It will be an opportunity to not only recommit but commit to stronger emissions cutbacks and to the development of new technologies and renewable energy sources. The opportunity is even greater for the UAE as this is the time to show other oil-rich nations that there's still time to commit and accelerate the transition to renewables.


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