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Turkey Says Greek Missiles Locked Onto its Jets Over the Med

On Sun., the radar of a Greek S-300 missile system based on the island of Crete reportedly locked on to Turkish F-16 fighter jets carrying out a reconnaissance mission in international airspace on Aug. 23.

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by Improve the News Foundation
Turkey Says Greek Missiles Locked Onto its Jets Over the Med
Image credit: Turkish Presidency via AP [via Al Jazeera]


  • On Sun., the radar of a Greek S-300 missile system based on the island of Crete reportedly locked on to Turkish F-16 fighter jets carrying out a reconnaissance mission in international airspace on Aug. 23.
  • The F-16s were at an altitude of 10K feet to the west of Greece's Rhodes island when the Russian-made air defense system locked on. The Turkish planes completed their mission and returned to their bases "despite the hostile environment."
  • A Turkish report regarding the issue noted that radar lock-ons are considered an act of hostility under NATO's rules of engagement. Meanwhile, the Greek Defense Ministry rejected Ankara's recent accusations of provocative actions by Greece.
  • Turkish officials said that Greece's alleged actions were "incompatible with the spirit of alliance" and amounted to "hostile acts" under NATO rules.
  • The comments come after Turkey last week summoned the Greek military attache and filed a complaint with NATO after Greek F-16s allegedly harassed Turkish F-16s that were conducting a mission for the alliance.
  • Greece and Turkey have been locked in a decades-long set of disputes, including issues over territory and historical rivalries, that have almost caused the two NATO countries to go to war on three separate occasions.

Sources: NY 1, Al Jazeera, Greek City Times, VOA, and ABC.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Daily Sabah. Yet again, Greece has threatened Turkey with unprovoked harassment. Turkey has complained of repeated provocative actions and rhetoric by Greece in recent months, and such moves are an obstacle to peace - something that Turkey vehemently wants.
  • Narrative B, as provided by Ekathimerini. The Turkish allegations against Greece are absolute nonsense, and the fault for tensions between the two countries squarely falls on Turkey for constantly launching provocative actions in the Mediterranean.
  • Narrative C, as provided by Al Jazeera. Diplomacy between Greece and Turkey must be prioritized to avoid a war in the Eastern Mediterranean. Both countries have understandable grievances against the other, but that is no excuse for two NATO allies to go to war. It is paramount that the international community pressures Greece and Turkey onto the negotiating table.
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by Improve the News Foundation

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