Trump Wins New Hampshire GOP Primary


  • Former Pres. Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary on Tuesday, re-affirming his lead for the GOP 2024 presidential nomination.1
  • Trump won soundly over Nikki Haley, inching closer to a face-off with the likely Democratic nominee, Pres. Joe Biden. This comes as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who withdrew just prior to the New Hampshire primary and endorsed Trump, mustered only 1% of votes cast.2
  • With more than 90% of the vote counted on Wednesday morning, Trump was leading Haley by 54.6% to 43.2%. As Trump has escalated his rhetoric against Haley, Haley also re-asserted that the race is 'far from over.'3
  • According to exit polls by Edison Research, Haley beat Trump among self-identified moderate Republicans and independents. Haley also polled higher among New Hampshire voters with college degrees by 56% to 41%.4
  • Though Trump extended his lead in the race by winning the New England state's primary, Haley's campaign expressed optimism ahead of the Feb. 24 South Carolina primary — a state where Haley served as governor.5

Sources: 1Associated Press, 2CBS, 3Independent, 4Al Jazeera and 5Financial Times.


  • Anti-Trump narrative, as provided by The Guardian. Trump is riding high on toxic euphoria that could fizzle as his legal woes continue to mount. Despite the endorsements of former rivals Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy, Haley still had strong gains with GOP moderates, independents, and those with college degrees. It's not time yet for Haley to give in — especially with the South Carolina primary a month away.
  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by The New York Times. If Iowa and New Hampshire haven't shown Republican voters which way the wind is blowing, nothing will. Even in South Carolina, Nikki Haley's home state, Trump is polling strongly. Haley should see the writing on the wall and her support behind the former president's momentum in a show of unity. Trump is on track to soundly defeat Joe Biden in November.
