Trump Makes Controversial Immigration Comments at Rally


  • Speaking at a rally Saturday in Durham, New Hampshire, former Pres. Donald Trump claimed illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of America while discussing US border security.1
  • Trump also said the immigrants coming to the US had "poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world” in "not just the three or four countries that we think about" but rather from "all over the world."2
  • In the 2022 fiscal year, there were approximately 2.4M migrant encounters at the US southern border with Mexico, an increase from 1.7M the year prior.3
  • The former president has used the phrase "poisoning the blood" before — during an interview with The National Pulse in September. A Trump campaign spokesman described reactions to Trump's language as "nonsensical" in October.4
  • During the same rally, Trump said, "even Vladimir Putin" believed Pres. Joe Biden has organized a "politically motivated prosecution of his political rival” — referring to several criminal cases brought against Trump.5

Sources: 1Associated Press, 2POLITICO, 3Business Insider, 4Reuters, and 5Forbes.


  • Anti-Trump narrative, as provided by The Washington Post. Whether it's his dehumanizing comments about immigrants or his denigration of democratic institutions, Trump's goal is to get his followers to share his view of democracy as illegitimate in an attempt to distract from his legal troubles and be empowered to act as an authoritarian should he return to the White House. This is what Democrats and pro-democracy Republicans are fighting against while he falsely accuses them of being anti-democratic. Trump's rhetoric becomes more dangerous with each passing rally.
  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by Breitbart. We shouldn’t be focusing on Trump’s rhetoric because criticizing how he describes a problem doesn't mean there isn't a major issue. The border is broken, and an overwhelming majority of Americans agree that something has to be done to fix it. But Democrats and the Biden administration have failed on this matter so they're trying to distract the public while Trump is offering up solutions for when he returns to the White House.
  • Narrative C, as provided by Newsweek. Despite their stark rhetorical differences, the GOP and the Biden Admin. are together set to enact the most sweeping set of restrictive immigration changes seen in 100 years. Over-focusing on either Trump's extreme rhetoric or Biden's softened statements ignores closely aligned policy realities that will impact the lives of millions.
  • Nerd narrative, as provided by Metaculus. There's a 3% chance that the US will deploy military forces in Mexico without the cooperation of the Mexican government before 2029, according to the Metaculus prediction community.