Trump and Biden Face Off in First 2024 Presidential Debate



  • US Pres. Joe Biden and former Pres. Donald Trump squared off in their first debate ahead of the 2024 election Thursday night in Atlanta, Georgia.1
  • They discussed issues ranging from Biden's age and how Trump dealt with Jan. 6 to immigration and the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.2
  • The face-off saw the pair trade barbs with Biden alleging that Trump called US soldiers who died in combat 'suckers' and 'losers.' While Trump denied the allegations, Biden doubled down by accusing him of having the 'morals of an alley cat.'3
  • Trump, in turn, accused Biden of turning the country into a 'third world nation,' adding that the tax cuts and COVID policies under his administration 'gave him [Biden] an unbelievable' economy when he entered office.4
  • According to a CNN poll, 67% of watchers thought that Trump performed better than Biden, with the two set to hold a second debate in September.5
  • Following the debate, there were reports of some Democrats, including members of the House and Senate as well as donors, contemplating the idea of replacing Biden with a new candidate.6

Sources: 1FOX News, 2CNN,, 4CBS, 5Forbes and 6New York Times.


  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by PJ Media. As Donald Trump appeared more statesmanlike than ever before, Biden exposed his mental decline and inability to win re-election. While the left-wing mainstream media couldn't help but dish out bogus fact-checks on Trump, even they were publicly decrying Biden's performance and fitness for office. Even if they do replace Biden, Trump proved he can take on anyone the Democrats throw at him.
  • Anti-Trump narrative, as provided by Biden's performance is irrelevant to the fact that Trump lied about every issue Americans care about most. From abortion rights and terror attacks to the national debt and Biden's corruption allegations, Trump projected all the failures of his administration onto a man who's made the country more prosperous and safe. The country knows Trump is a liar, which is why he's losing this election race.
  • Narrative C, as provided by New York Times. President Biden has done an incredible job bringing America back to the positive days of pre-Trumpism, but last night's debate showed, unfortunately, that he can't physically continue. The Democratic Party and its leader must put the country first if they wish to prevent another dreadful Trump term.
