Transgender Day of Visibility Lands on Easter


  • This year, the US Transgender Day of Visibility fell on Easter Sunday, causing a backlash over the coincidence and Pres. Joe Biden's recognition of it from conservatives and former Pres. Donald Trump's presidential campaign.1
  • In a proclamation issued Friday, Biden called on 'all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people' across the country and to aid in 'eliminating violence and discrimination' against them.2
  • A Trump campaign spokeswoman accused the White House of what she called 'a years-long assault on the Christian faith,' with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) calling Biden's proclamation 'outrageous and abhorrent.'3
  • The Transgender Day of Visibility was created by advocates in 2009 and is celebrated annually on March 31. Biden was the first US president to proclaim it as an official day of transgender visibility in 2021.4
  • The White House also stated that 'all trans Americans' are 'made in the image of God,' to which several conservatives sent replies ranging from Bible quotes to questioning why people made by God would need surgeries and hormones.5
  • A White House spokesman argued that 'politicians are seeking to divide and weaken' the US with 'cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric,' also noting that Biden is a 'Christian who celebrates Easter with family' and would never 'abuse his faith for political purposes.'6

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2The White House, 3Associated Press, 4Newsweek, 5Daily Wire and 6The Hill.


  • Right narrative, as provided by PJ Media. Once again Biden and the left have shown their disdain for religion and revealed themselves to be worshippers of identity politics instead. Biden only pretends to be religious when he needs it to court actual Christians' votes. The president made this unfortunate confluence of one of the holiest Christian days of the year — with a made-up political stunt — worse by issuing his proclamation on Good Friday.
  • Left narrative, as provided by It may surprise those on the right who are drumming up this faux controversy, but there are many LGBTQ Christians and allies who, like Biden, recognize both Easter and the transgender day of visibility. It's shameful that there are Christians on the right using a coincidence on the calendar to attack the president and overshadow the hope and joy Easter represents.
