Swedish Opposition Inches Ahead in Cliffhanger Election


  • In Sweden's general election on Sun., the conservative parties project to emerge victorious, holding a small lead over other parties.
  • With around 90% of the votes counted on Mon., early figures predict that the Moderate, Sweden Democrat, Christian Democrat, and Liberal parties have won around 176 seats in the 349-seat parliament compared to the 173 seats won by the center-left parties, headed by Social Democratic Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.
  • The Sweden Democrats party is predicted to be the big winner in the election. It would become the country's second-largest party with 20% of the votes.
  • According to the early count, the ruling left-wing Social democrats won 30.5% of the vote, more than any other party. Exit polls predicted a narrow victory for Andersson's camp, but election results tipped in favor of the conservatives.
  • The two dominant issues during the election campaign were the sharp rise in energy prices and gang-related violence. Rising inflation and the energy crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine have worried many voters, and recent shootings have reportedly left many voters insecure.
  • The election authority said the election results will be announced sometime before Wed., when uncounted votes, including votes cast abroad, have been tallied.

Sources: CNBC, Al Jazeera, Guardian, and Reuters.


  • Left narrative, as provided by CNBC. With Sweden's long history of liberal traditions, these election results come as a shock for many, as far-right Sweden Democrats emerged from neo-Nazi activity. The party's position as the largest party on the right places them in a strong position, which is a scary thought for many Swedes today.
  • Right narrative, as provided by Independent. The Social Democrat government has let the welfare state fall apart. Sweden is now a country ravaged by crime. The nordic nation has been a great country, a safe country, and a successful country before - it can be all these things again. Now is the time for a change.