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Sudan: UAE Reportedly Arming RSF with Thermobaric Bombs

The Sudanese army (SAF) on Tuesday released footage showing the discovery and confiscation of a supply of deadly munitions from the opposition Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

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Sudan: UAE Reportedly Arming RSF with Thermobaric Bombs
Image credit: Reuters [via The Telegraph]


  • The Sudanese army (SAF) on Tuesday released footage showing the discovery and confiscation of a supply of deadly munitions from the opposition Rapid Support Forces (RSF).1
  • The video suggests that the UAE — which claims to be a neutral mediator — could have supplied the RSF with Serbian-made thermobaric airdrop bombs. The UAE is part of the Quad for Sudan — a group that has tried to restore civilian rule in the country — along with the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia.2
  • The US, aligned with the UK and EU, has worked to negotiate peace and has pushed for eventual civilian rule of the nation, while Saudi Arabia and the UAE have poured huge sums of money into the country since 2019.3
  • It has been reported that the UAE supports the RSF, while Egypt provides training to the Sudanese army. According to Egyptian sources, both nations are trying to mediate a ceasefire between the warring sides.2
  • The SAF and the RSF have been in clashes since Saturday, with the UN estimating that at least 185 people have been killed. Despite an internationally-brokered truce having been due to take effect at 6pm local time on Tuesday, fighting has continued.4
  • Sudanese Army Gen. Shams al-Din Kabbashi has claimed that two unnamed neighboring countries are trying to provide aid to the RSF, adding that the paramilitary force seeks to dismantle the armed forces.5

Sources: 1BNN Breaking, 2The Telegraph, 3Guardian, 4ITN, and 5Al Jazeera.


  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by NBC. Just as negotiations seemed to be progressing, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and now Russia are throwing increasing support behind the RSF. These countries desire access to Sudan's gold, which is why they claim to want peace while, at the same time, boosting the military capacity of the rebel forces who control precious metals. The West must continue its pursuit of re-integrating the RSF into the Sudanese government so this bloody conflict comes to an end before any more lives are lost.
  • Establishment-critical narrative, as provided by Grayzone. This conflict is not the fault of Middle Eastern states, nor is it the first near-civil war incident in recent years. The US has long sought access to Sudan's oil, which is why the Pentagon and the CIA have flooded the country with arms and instigated previously nonexistent ethnic conflict to destabilize the region. The US began meddling in Sudan's affairs 30 years ago — the nation was always destined to fail thanks to the Global American Empire.

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