Sudan Accuses Ethiopia Of Killing 7 Soldiers, One Civilian


  • Sudan's military has denounced the alleged killing of seven Sudanese soldiers and a civilian in a border area with Ethiopia, the latest sign of deteriorating relations between the two east African nations.1
  • On Mon., Sudan's Foreign Ministry said the prisoners were taken into Ethiopia on Jun. 22 after being held captive by the Ethiopian government inside Sudan's sovereign territory.1
  • Sudan's FM has also announced it will recall its ambassador to Ethiopia for consultations following the alleged killings. Likewise, Sudan said it will summon the Ethiopian ambassador to Khartoum to condemn the incident.2
  • Meanwhile, Addis Ababa has denied the accusations, instead blaming the killings on local militia. It has expressed hope that Sudan won't use this to escalate ongoing conflict.3
  • Tensions between the nations have run high as Sudan hosts many refugees from the war in Ethiopia's Tigray region, and disputes have arisen over the management of water sources and the border territory of Al-Fashaga.4
  • In 2020, Sudan broke a 2008 land-use agreement and took over the Al-Fashaga area, evicting thousands of Amhara Ethiopians. Currently, no agreement is in place.4

Sources: 1ABC NEWS, 2Al Jazeera, 3Reuters and 4The Africa Report.


  • Narrative A, as provided by The Vibes. Ethiopia has violated all rules and customs of war. The prisoners were being held captive and should've been treated according to human rights principles and international law. Instead, Ethiopia disregarded Sudanese lives.
  • Narrative B, as provided by Addis Standard. Sudan has been the one instigating violence in the region, not Ethiopia. Sundanese have looted Ethiopian farms, vandalized their camps, ruined their ability to harvest, and murdered and wounded numerous innocent civilians.