Steve Bannon Begins Four-Month Prison Sentence for Contempt


  • Former advisor to Pres. Donald Trump Steve Bannon traveled to the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut on Monday to serve his four-month prison sentence on charges of contempt of Congress.1
  • Before turning himself in, Bannon told a crowd that he's 'proud to go to prison' if it's what it takes to 'stand up to tyranny.' Addressing a priest who attended to give spiritual guidance he said: 'Pray for our enemies. They’re the ones who are going to need the prayers.'2
  • Bannon will be serving his time in Danbury's low-security prison, which mostly holds white-collar criminals but does house some violent and sex offenders. He reportedly won't have access to the internet and will get to make phone calls in 15-minute increments.3
  • The conservative political operative recorded the final pre-prison episode of his podcast 'War Room' on Friday, during which he told supporters not to 'send me a letter' but to rather 'focus 100% of your time on winning,' referring to Trump's presidential campaign.3
  • Bannon was convicted of contempt two years ago after defying a subpoena issued to him by the House Jan. 6 Committee. He remained free until his appeals process ended.4
  • He is the second Trump ally to go to jail on contempt of Congress charges. Former Trump administration trade advisor Peter Navarro began his four-month sentence in March.5

Sources: 1Associated Press, 2FOX News, 3CNN, 4CBS and 5New York Post.


  • Anti-Trump narrative, as provided by Huffington Post. Regarding the contempt case, Bannon blatantly defied a lawful congressional subpoena — violations that a jury found him guilty of. This shouldn't surprise anyone, however, given Bannon's other legal troubles. The man who hindered a congressional investigation is also under indictment in New York on conspiracy charges after he fraudulently took donor money for what he falsely claimed would go toward building a border wall.
  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by Townhall. Bannon is in fact a political prisoner given that he's only sitting in jail due to his affiliation with Donald Trump. No one else in modern history has gone to jail for defying a congressional subpoena, but in the age of Trump, the establishment politicians and their friends in the weaponized Dept. of Justice have essentially persecuted their opponents. The Jan. 6 Committee was also improperly formed and run, which makes this entire saga fraudulent from the beginning.
