Speaker Johnson's Plan to Avoid Shutdown Faces Intra-Party Resistance


  • Republican US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is facing blowback from several members of his own party over the two-part, effectively clean continuing resolution that was unveiled on Saturday to prevent a government shutdown.1
  • This comes as the Rules Committee on Monday is set to consider whether the spending package can be taken to a House-wide vote the following day. In a full vote on the floor, the Speaker could only afford to lose four GOP votes for the proposal to pass without the support of some Democrats.2
  • The short-term spending plan, which excludes any additional funding for Ukraine or Israel, would extend four appropriations bills dealing with agriculture, energy, housing, and transportation, as well as veterans programs until Jan. 19. The remaining eight spending bills would have to be worked out by Feb. 2.3
  • The White House has also voiced its displeasure with the proposal, accusing House Republicans of 'wasting precious time' with a plan that has been criticized from both sides of the aisle.4
  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) last week urged the House to only advance spending cuts that would receive bipartisan support. He also announced a vote on a stopgap bill to fund the government ahead of the November 17 deadline.5
  • Meanwhile, Moody's Investors Service on Friday cut its rating outlook on the US government from stable to negative, citing mounting risks to the country's fiscal strength based on disagreements in Congress over a plan to reduce the deficit.6

Sources: 1Washington Examiner, 2Politico, 3FOX News, 4USA Today, 5Daily Wire and 6NBC.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by CNN. Johnson has neither the experience nor leeway to unite his conference and pass this extension that would dangerously set up the US for two shutdowns. Far-right Republicans who ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy for similar actions are pushing the country into the abyss.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by PJ Media. Although a handful of House Republicans have expressed opposition to this bill, Johnson and his caucus shouldn’t be blamed for a potential shutdown. House Democrats are the ones forcing a shutdown because they know it’ll be a political win and the mainstream media will shield them from blame.
