South Africa: President Ramaphosa Unveils New Coalition Government



  • South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced his new 'government of national unity' on Sunday, about a month after the African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority for the first time since the end of apartheid 30 years ago.1
  • The ANC received 20 of the 32 ministerial seats, with the main former opposition party the Democratic Alliance (DA) getting six seats. Two seats went to the Inkatha Freedom Party, and the final four seats went to other coalition parties.2
  • The ANC retained key ministries such as finance, foreign affairs, energy, and defense, while the DA's ministerial posts included education, public works, and environment. Opposition leader John Steenhuisen was appointed minister of agriculture.3
  • Ramaphosa said the cabinet's composition reflected 'the diversity of our nation,' adding that the new administration and other formations plan to convene a National Dialogue in the 'spirit of partnership and collaboration.'4
  • The ANC hailed the government's formation as 'an important step forward, and a testament to the resilience of our democracy,' while the DA announced a 'new era in South Africa's democratic journey' pledging 'zero tolerance for corruption.'5
  • The cabinet announcement follows weeks of negotiations between the ANC and the DA, which won 87 parliamentary seats while the ANC received 159. Ramaphosa was re-elected last week after the ANC lost its absolute majority in the May 29 general elections.6

Sources: 1BBC News, 2Mint, 3Channels Television, 4SAnews, 5France 24 and 6Yahoo News.


  • Narrative A, as provided by DFA. The formation of a coalition government is unprecedented in the young history of democratic South Africa and heralds a new era for the 'Rainbow Nation,' aimed at promoting unity and addressing the country's pressing challenges. This coalition is well-positioned to tackle poverty and inequality and will achieve rapid, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth for all South Africans. The ANC has proven its ability to overcome the shadows of apartheid for the benefit of its citizens.
  • Narrative B, as provided by IOL. The alleged 'government of national unity' is nothing more than a charade essentially masking an ANC-DA alliance for which the ANC sacrificed its identity as a liberation movement. Equally worrying is that this cabinet has been enlarged at taxpayers' expense so that DA racists and neoliberals can be installed in positions of power. This government will not solve South Africa's woes, as the DA will only serve the white minority's interests seeking to destroy the fruits of the liberation struggle.
