SCOTUS Allows Transgender Athlete to Continue Competing



  • The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) voted Thursday to allow 12-year-old transgender Becky Pepper-Jackson in West Virginia to continue competing on the girls’ sports teams at her middle school while a lawsuit over a state ban continues. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented.1
  • In its unsigned brief, the court declined to act against an appeals court injunction against the state's Save Women's Sports Act, which intends to ban trans-identifying biological males from participating in girls' school sports teams.2
  • Pepper-Jackson first brought her case to US District Court Judge Joseph Goodwin, who first blocked the law before ultimately ruling that it does not violate the Constitution or Title IX, the landmark 1972 gender equity legislation.1
  • The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals then voted 2-1 to place the law, which only allows middle school, high school, and college male athletes to play on male or co-ed teams but females to play on any team, on hold as the case continues through the courts.3
  • As the court ruling included no opinion, Justice Alito in his dissent said: 'I would grant the State’s application. Among other things, enforcement of the law at issue should not be forbidden by the federal courts without any explanation.'4
  • The request to lift the injunction was brought by former West Virginia State University soccer champion Lainey Armistead and her counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom. While Alliance senior counsel Christiana Kiefer said the case isn't over, the American Civil Liberties Union called the law 'baseless and cruel.'2

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2Washington examiner, 3Time and 4FOX News.


  • Left narrative, as provided by The Supreme Court rightfully voted to allow a 12-year-old girl to continue playing the sport she loves with the teammates she's used to competing with. At a time when transgender rights are under attack all across the nation, this is a well-deserved legal win for a marginalized community fighting for its right to exist. Hopefully, this can be a springboard for court battles in the future.
  • Right narrative, as provided by Red State. The misogynistic 'trans rights movement' has used confused young girls as cannon fodder in their push for political power. The activists who claim to be liberal have insulted iconic female figures who simply wish to protect future generations from having their athletic competitions overrun by men. This sets female athletes up for lifelong competition with biological boys and men who will undoubtedly outperform them due to physical differences.