Report: Significant CO2 Produced by China's Overseas Power Plants


  • Research published Tuesday from Boston University's Global Development Policy Center (GDPC) showed carbon dioxide emissions from China-invested power plants overseas now stand at an estimated 245M tons per year — approximately the annual energy-related CO2 emissions of Thailand or Spain.
  • The research findings indicated that Chinese companies and government-run investment banks have financed as much as 171.6 GW of overseas power generation capacity, across 648 power plants in 92 nations.
  • About 50% of this total is fossil-fuel related, and future projects could add another 100M tons of annual CO2 emissions if completed. This suggests that China can do more to advocate for low-carbon energy solutions in developing countries.
  • Last year, Pres. Xi Jinping told the UN that China would stop investing in overseas coal-fired power plants, involving about $50B in investment, with a commitment to cancel multiple overseas projects. However, some have remained in a so-called "gray area" and could still go ahead.
  • Along with being the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China is the largest consumer of coal in the world.
  • The report states that the majority of the China-financed overseas power generation projects in the planning stage will utilize low-carbon energy sources. This suggests that Beijing's recent pledge to end overseas coal financing is having an impact.

Sources: Reuters, Economic Times, and Al Jazeera.


  • Pro-China narrative, as provided by China Dialogue. China is a world leader in the renewable energy sector and can build on its leadership by providing technical support and capacity building for developing nations. With its fully renewable energy industrial chain — including manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance —capability, China has and will continue to promote green tech in developing nations.
  • Anti-China narrative, as provided by BBC. China became the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide in 2006 and is now responsible for more than 25% of the world's overall greenhouse gas emissions. Without big reductions in the PRC's emissions, the world cannot win the fight against climate change, and Beijing has not clearly stated how it will achieve these goals.
