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Report: Palestinians In Israeli Jails Face Systemic Abuse
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Report: Palestinians In Israeli Jails Face Systemic Abuse

According to a report published by Israeli human rights group B'Tselem on Monday, Palestinians held in Israeli prisons since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza last October have been subjected to systemic abuse and torture....

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  • According to a report published by Israeli human rights group B'Tselem on Monday, Palestinians held in Israeli prisons since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza last October have been subjected to systemic abuse and torture.[1][2]
  • Citing testimonies from 55 Palestinians, the report, titled 'Welcome to Hell,' claims Israel conducted an 'institutional policy' focused on the 'mistreatment of detainees,' including arbitrary violence and sexual abuse.[3][4]
  • B'Tselem's Executive Director Yuli Novak claims that at least 60 Palestinian prisoners have died at the Israel Defense Forces-run incarceration sites since Oct. 7, adding that human rights violations include humiliation, starvation, and sleep deprivation.[5][6]
  • The report added that the alleged systematic and continual abuse had been orchestrated under the direction of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir with the complete backing of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[7][8]
  • Last week, a UN report — citing detainees who said they were held in 'cage-like facilities' and faced 'inhuman and degrading treatment,' such as 'waterboarding and the release of dogs' — found that jailed Palestinians, including women and children, may have been tortured.[9][10]
  • The Israeli military and Israel Prisons Service have both rejected the report's findings, arguing their detention facilities operate by the rule of law and 'under the constant supervision of the State Comptroller and many other official supervisors.'[11][12]

Sources: [1], [2]Btselem, [3]Middleeastmonitor, [4]France 24, [5]The National, [6]BBC News (a), [7]Reuters, [8]Moroccoworldnews, [9]Al Jazeera, [10]BBC News (b), [11]Jerusalem Post and [12]Arab News.


  • Pro-Palestine narrative, as provided by Washington Post. By subjecting Palestinian detainees to degrading physical and mental violence and abuse, including denial of medical care, Israel has defied its obligations under domestic and international law. The Netanyahu government must be held accountable for running an apartheid regime and committing horrific crimes against Palestinians — or such cruel mistreatment would be normalized across Israel's jail system.
  • Pro-Israel narrative, as provided by Jerusalem Post. Allegations of systematic abuse and torture of Palestinian detainees in Israel's prisons are fabricated, inaccurate, and completely blown out of proportion to tarnish Israel's image. On the contrary, Israel is making every effort to address alleged individual cases of abuse of prisoners at its facilities. B'Tselem’s report has purposely omitted the instances of deliberate provocations by Palestinians, indicating its findings are dubious.
  • Pro-Israel narrative, as provided by Middleeastmonitor. Allegations of systematic abuse and torture of Palestinian detainees in Israel's prisons are fabricated, inaccurate, and completely blown out of proportion to tarnish Israel's image. On the contrary, Israel is making every effort to address alleged individual cases of abuse of prisoners at its facilities. B'Tselem’s report has purposely omitted the instances of deliberate provocations by Palestinians, indicating its findings are dubious.


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