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Report: Gender Equality Remaining Same or Declining Globally
Image credit: Brian Ongoro/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

Report: Gender Equality Remaining Same or Declining Globally

Equal Measures 2030, a group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Wednesday published its 2024 SDG Gender Index report. The report found that from 2019-2022, almost 1B women in 40% of countries faced declining or stagnating gender equality....

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by Improve the News Foundation


  • Equal Measures 2030, a group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Wednesday published its 2024 SDG Gender Index report. The report found that from 2019-2022, almost 1B women in 40% of countries faced declining or stagnating gender equality.[1]
  • During that time span, according to the report, gender equality declined in 17 countries, remained the same in 36, made 'some progress' in 45, and made 'fast progress' in 41. Based on these trends, it claims just 68.9% of the world will have gender equality by 2030.[2]
  • Some of the issues faced in the 45 lowest-ranked countries — including parts of West, Central, and sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Bangladesh, and Myanmar — were forced pregnancies, child marriages, and exclusion from education.[3]
  • The highest equality scores — from the timeframe of 2015-2022 — were found in Europe, with Sweden (89.3), Norway (88.5), and Finland (87.2) topping the list. The lowest were Afghanistan (35.4), Chad (40.1), and Niger (41). Canada, the UK, and the US scored 82.4, 81.4, and 74.6, respectively.[4]
  • The report noted that many countries with declining scores were facing conflicts, including Sudan, Myanmar, and Ukraine. It reported that 614M women and girls lived in such places, up 50% from 2017.[1]

Sources: [1]Guardian, [2]Equal Measures 2030 (a), [3]World News and [4]Equal Measures 2030 (b).


  • Left narrative, as provided by Focus 2030. The road to global gender equality is darker than it has been in almost a decade. Even in the US, the Supreme Court stripped women of their national abortion rights. Across the world, women hold less wealth, education, and political power than men. And they have a higher likelihood of facing violence. If this trend continues, it will take more than a century to reach full gender equality.
  • Right narrative, as provided by Youtube and Aei. These reports contain serious contextual issues. When women in Western countries choose to be mothers or decline to climb the corporate ladder, NGOs often claim those societies are falling 'backwards.' Equality means allowing men and women to live how they want, not forcing them to achieve an abstract UN agenda. Context is required for interpreting findings like these.


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by Improve the News Foundation

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