Report: DOJ Contacted in 2018 About Alleged Biden Ukraine Bribery


  • Interviews and documents obtained by Just the News reportedly reveal that former federal prosecutor Bud Cummins contacted the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) in 2018 claiming he had evidence that Joe Biden had "exercised influence to protect" Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian employer, but then-NY US Attorney Geoff Berman ignored Cummins’s email.1
  • Cummins allegedly told Berman that Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko would travel to the US to present evidence about the Bidens and Burisma Holdings, who hired Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer to its board in 2014 while Biden was Vice President.2
  • On Oct. 4, 2018, Cummins emailed Berman alleging evidence that Joe Biden and then-Sec. State John Kerry were involved in a pay-to-play scheme, adding that there was proof of "significant funds" being wired from Zlochevsky to Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC that directly benefited Biden.3
  • Berman and other members of the DOJ reportedly ignored the messages alleging Biden’s corruption, instead taking the step of issuing a grand jury subpoena to Apple to secretly collect data from Cummins’s iPhone.4
  • The whistleblower’s information from 2018 comes as House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) looks into separate allegations of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President.5
  • Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) subpoenaed documents from the FBI, which the agency must provide by Wednesday’s deadline. While Republican officials have long been investigating Biden’s dealings, his administration has ignored many GOP subpoenas.6

Sources: 1New York Post, 2Just The News, 3DC Enquirer, 4Daily Mail, 5Breitbart, and 6FOX News.


  • Republican narrative, as provided by Red State. The explosive revelations show just how corrupt the US justice system is. Bud Cummins and whistleblowers were willing to provide hard evidence about how Biden wielded his influence to make money as Vice President, but Geoff Berman didn’t even acknowledge these messages. In fact, he even took the step to investigate the whistleblower — retaliation against someone who dared to investigate the rich and powerful.
  • Democratic narrative, as provided by Newsweek. The GOP’s investigation, based on wild and unsubstantiated accusations against Biden, is going nowhere, and some Republican lawmakers are even backtracking on their claims. Rightwing media has gone crazy with its conspiracy theories against the president, and Republicans are using their power in the House to politically target the president while they fail the American people.


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