Report: Disabled People in UK Unable to Afford Heating and Food


  • A new report has found that disabled people in the UK are among the hardest hit by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.
  • The Resolution Foundation, an independent think-tank, said on Wednesday that more than 40% of people with a disability in the country could no longer afford to keep their homes warm compared to 23% of the non-disabled population.
  • The foundation also found that almost half of the disabled adults polled said that they're having to reduce their energy usage, and 31% reported having to reduce their food spending.
  • The foundation said that while recent government support will help millions in the short term, further action will be needed.
  • The report combined statistical analysis with a new YouGov survey of nearly 8k working-age adults, with more than 2k saying they have a long-term illness or disability.
  • The findings indicate disabled people account for 23% of the working-age population, up from 17% in 2013. The report also noted disabled people are far more likely to be poor than the rest of the population.

Sources: Al Jazeera, Morning Star Online, and Standard.


  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by BBC News. The government recognizes the vulnerability of people with disabilities, and is doing its utmost to offer support during the cost-of-living crisis. It has already launched a series of initiatives that include work support and extra disability benefits.
  • Establishment-critical narrative, as provided by The Guardian. The support offered is not enough to offset the rising costs in the long-term. More policy work is needed to close the enormous income gaps that have existed far before this crisis between disabled people and the rest of the population.