Poll: Over A Third of Britons Can't Define 'Transgender Woman'


  • A survey published on Monday has found that some 35% of people in the UK don't know that a "transgender woman" is someone registered as male at birth, with the term "trans women" causing even greater confusion as 40% defined it incorrectly.1
  • This comes as the Edinburgh-based policy analysis group Murray Blackburn Mackenzie commissioned Survation to conduct separate polls for each term — of 1,008 and 1,026 UK adults, respectively — in June this year.2
  • The term "transgender woman" was correctly understood at a higher rate by men and in Scotland, while the term "trans woman" was better identified by women and in Northern Ireland.3
  • They were understood least among people aged 25 to 34 — of whom only 55% correctly defined the term "transgender woman" and 52% identified the term "trans woman" as someone transitioning to female — and in London.4
  • This data calls into question public understanding over the gender debate amid high levels of misunderstanding and confusion around commonly used terms, prompting researchers to urge for more explicit language.4
  • Figures collected in the 2021 UK census found that 262k people in England and Wales identified as a different gender than the one assigned at birth, with 48k trans men, 48k trans women and another 30k non-binary.5

Sources: 1Daily Mail, 2The Epoch Times, 3Daily Caller, 4The Telegraph, and 5Bloomberg.


  • Left narrative, as provided by Glamour UK. While gender terms are finally becoming acknowledged and respected, there is still a long way to go as a significant share of society remains unaware of what simple terms such as "transgender woman" and "trans woman" mean. The language we use is crucial to ensure that the world is safer for trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people, so awareness must be improved.
  • Right narrative, as provided by LifeSite. This survey is yet another example of how out of touch with reality the transgender movement is. Though it has become mainstream in progressive political parties, academia and the media to the point that it is illegal to "misgender" someone in some places, ordinary people barely understand what it means to say that someone is a "transgender woman" or a "trans woman."