Paris Olympics Organizers Apologize for 'Last Supper' Parody


  • The Paris Olympics opening ceremony has faced criticism — from figures including US House Speaker Mike Johnson, Catholic bishops, Elon Musk, and Piers Morgan — after it featured a drag parody of Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper.'[1]
  • Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told a press conference on Sunday that Olympics organizers never intended to disrespect any religious group and were 'really sorry' for people who took any offense during Friday's opening ceremony.[2]
  • Mississippi-based tech firm C Spire also retracted all of its advertising from the Olympics over the alleged 'mockery' of a painting depicting a significant biblical moment for Christians.[3]
  • Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' depicts the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his apostles before his crucifixion. It portrays the moment when he declared that an apostle would betray him.[4]
  • The opening ceremony's artistic director, Thomas Jolly, denied taking inspiration from the painting, arguing that his idea was to portray a 'big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus.'[5]
  • The International Olympic Committee has removed the official video of the opening ceremony featuring the alleged LGBTQ+-themed parody of 'The Last Supper' from its YouTube channel.[6]

Sources: [1]Forbes, [2]Associated Press, [3]FOX News, [4]NBC, [5]France 24 and [6]Daily Caller.


  • Right narrative, as provided by Nationalpost. The drag parody of Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' was a direct attack on Christian values that form the bedrock of Western civilization. This development serves as a reminder that woke nonsense is indeed a threat to the West as, if Western civilization fails to protect its own culture and institutions, its decline is inevitable.
  • Left narrative, as provided by Washington Post. Though some have misinterpreted the tableau featuring drag artists, dancers, and others flanking LGBTQ+ icon Barbara Butch as a mockery of Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper,' that was never the case. The sketch was intended to celebrate diversity, inclusion, love, and French gastronomy — it was never an attack on Christianity.
  • Nerd narrative, as provided by There's a 20% chance that a terrorist act will occur in metropolitan France during the 2024 Summer Olympics, according to the Metaculus prediction community.