Pakistan: Imran Khan Asks Supreme Court to Inspect His Prison Cell


  • Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for the country's top court to order a probe into his cell at Adiala Jail after the federal government challenged his claims of solitary confinement.1
  • Khan supporters have accused authorities of lying about how the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has been treated in prison following the emergence of an image appearing to show his windowless jail room.2
  • This comes as the government submitted pictures and details appearing to contradict his claims to the Supreme Court on Thursday, including a list of family, friends, lawyers, and party members who have visited him since August.3
  • Though the former cricket star turned politician had his prison sentence for disclosing a diplomatic cable two years ago overturned earlier this week, he wasn't allowed to walk free due to a conviction in another case.4
  • Khan and his third wife, Bushra Bibi, are both serving seven-year prison terms for entering into an 'un-Islamic marriage' as a Pakistani court ruled that she married too soon after her divorce.5
  • An appeal against the verdict in this case is pending, with a hearing slated for June 25 after a judge excused himself from announcing his decision after the complainant — Bibi's former husband — expressed his distrust in the judge.6

Sources: 1DAWN.COM, 2The Telegraph, 3Reuters, 4BBC News, 5Intercept and 6Al Jazeera.


  • Narrative A, as provided by The Express Tribune. Imran Khan is not asking for any favors or facilities in prison, only for authorities to respect his rights and transfer him to a better cell. Given that he has been politically persecuted, the fact that the conditions of his imprisonment are such is certainly outrageous, though not surprising.
  • Narrative B, as provided by GEO. Imran Khan has been living in his cell as if he were at his in-law's house, with exercise equipment at his disposal — as well as books, a kitchen, a special menu, an exclusive walkway, a study table, and a room cooler. However, he and his supporters apparently believe that he deserves to be living in a five-star hotel.
