Over 800 Western Officials Sign Letter Opposing Gaza Policy


  • More than 800 serving officials from the US and Europe have signed a letter condemning their governments' approach to Israel's war in Gaza, warning that those policies could amount to 'grave violations of international law.'1
  • The letter, signed anonymously by officials, claimed: 'Israel has shown no boundaries in its military operations in Gaza, which has resulted in tens of thousands of preventable civilian deaths. There is a plausible risk that our governments' policies are contributing to grave violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes, and even ethnic cleansing or genocide.'2
  • It added that these concerns, among others, were raised internally by officials but said that these were repeatedly dismissed and 'overruled by political and ideological considerations.' Israel — which has repeatedly denied such allegations detailed in the letter — responded by saying that it's 'bound by International law.'1
  • One signatory to the letter, a US official with over 25 years of national security experience, told the BBC: 'What's really different here is we're not failing to prevent something, we're actively complicit. That is fundamentally different from any other situation I can recall.'1
  • According to an anonymous source cited by CNN, there are roughly 80 US signatories to the letter. Officials from 11 European countries are represented. Namely, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, and Germany, in addition to Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.3
  • Meanwhile, according to the latest update from the UN: 'Intense Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea continue to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip on Feb. 2.' Citing figures from Gaza's Health Ministry, it said that as of midday Friday, upwards of 27.1K Palestinians have been killed since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel that killed around 1,200.4

Sources: 1BBC News, 2Common Dreams, 3CNN and 4ReliefWeb.


  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by CNN. It is only natural that top officials from the US and the EU are debating the impacts of the Israel-Gaza conflict. Debate and dissent are welcome in Western governments, and these views will continue to be listened to and evaluated. Israel has said it's committed to following international law, and it has a right to defend itself.
  • Establishment-critical narrative, as provided by Arab News. Western countries are continuing to provide political, military, and diplomatic support to Israel with no accountability for its actions. These actions pose a plausible risk of violating international law — as the recent ruling from the International Court of Justice demonstrated — and Western governments could be held as complicit if they don't re-evaluate and change course.
