OpenAI Reveals GPT-4o



  • OpenAI, the artificial intelligence (AI) company behind ChatGPT, has unveiled its latest model of the chatbot, GPT-4o. The company said this version will be a digital assistant that can converse with users in real-time as well as interact through text and 'vision.'1
  • The company said GPT-4o will also be able to interact via audio. While the new capabilities will be released 'iteratively,' its text and image capabilities will be available Monday, with paid users having 'up to five times the capacity limits' of unpaid users.2
  • In a demonstration, OpeanAI executive Mark Chen asked the chatbot to tell a bedtime story about robots and love. After prompting to recite the story with more emotion, the application said: 'Got it. Let’s add some drama' — then altered its pitch and cadence.3
  • The female-sounding robot was then asked to examine the researcher's face, to which GPT-4o said he looked 'happy and cheerful with a big smile and maybe even a touch of excitement.'4
  • OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft and valued at over $80B, also said the new version can respond to audio prompts 'in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds, which is similar to human response time in a conversation.'5
  • The release of GPT-4o comes just before Google is set to hold its I/O conference, which is expected to unveil several AI products.2

Sources: 1CNN, 2Verge, 3Quartz, 4Guardian and 5CNBC.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Forbes. As AI develops rapidly it's reasonable for people to fear for their jobs or, even worse, that AI will simply take over the world. In reality, AI is nowhere near reaching the complex capabilities or experiences of humans. Another cause for relief is that AI developers and regulators are building safeguards alongside these technological advancements, which means humans are marching with, not behind these chatbots.
  • Narrative B, as provided by AI. While AI may not replace humans any time soon, these so-called digital assistants will be used to monitor and monetize us at a level never before seen. Sam Altman has continuously warned the world of the potential dangers of his technology while simultaneously advancing profit-driven product releases. Companies like OpenAI want to take data harvesting to the next level by inserting their bots into our phones and extracting every private detail about us.
