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Norway Parliament Approves World's First Commercial Deep Sea Mining
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Norway Parliament Approves World's First Commercial Deep Sea Mining

The Norwegian parliament on Tuesday approved deep-sea mining across 108K square miles of its national waters, paving the way to becoming the first country in the world to allow companies to dig for minerals like cobalt, scandium, and lithium on the bottom of the ocean. An international agreement ...

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by Improve the News Foundation


  • The Norwegian parliament on Tuesday approved deep-sea mining across 108K square miles of its national waters, paving the way to becoming the first country in the world to allow companies to dig for minerals like cobalt, scandium, and lithium on the bottom of the ocean. An international agreement on deep-sea mining in international waters is also expected later this year.1
  • Before companies can begin drilling, they will have to complete studies on the impact on marine life and receive a parliament-approved license. While this means mineral extraction may not begin until the 2030s, once it does, it's believed it will create an industry worth between hundreds of millions to trillions of dollars. Seventeen protected marine areas will also be excluded from drilling.2
  • The extraction, which will take place between Norway and Greenland in the waters of the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, will see sulfide deposits — which contain copper, zinc, and small amounts of gold, silver, and cobalt — brought to the surface via remote-controlled machinery. Cobalt is a key ingredient in many electric vehicle batteries.3
  • Compared to current sea mining endeavors, which are conducted, for example, at depths of 200 meters (656 feet) off the coast of Namibia for elements such as diamonds, Norway — which is currently Europe's largest producer of hydropower and Western Europe's largest oil producer — is proposing sea bed extractions at depths of 2.2 miles below the ocean's surface.2
  • Meanwhile, the Norway Institute of Marine Research warns that the parliament's decision is based on just a small sample of research that has been applied to the whole prospective drilling area, estimating that it will take five to 10 years to complete the necessary research on impacted species before extraction can begin.4
  • Critics like the Environmental Justice Foundation say deep-sea mining is not necessary for a transition to renewable energy. Instead, it said combining a circular economy, new technology, and recycling could cut cumulative mineral demand by 58% by 2050.1

Sources: 1Guardian, 2The Telegraph, 3New York Times and 4BBC News.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Oceana. The proposed deep-sea mining industry will wipe out vast amounts of nonmicrobial species if its thunderous machines are allowed to operate on the ocean floor. First, the noise pollution will send the larger predator fish fleeing away; then, once they begin kicking sediment up on the seabed, those particles will choke all the smaller prey fish to death. Furthermore, the polymetallic nodules that rest on the ocean floor are where animals like sponges and worms live, which means their lives will also be cut short due to the cobalt industry boom.
  • Narrative B, as provided by Harvard International Review. While governments should take necessary precautions and conduct research before greenlighting deep-sea mining, they shouldn't take too long in the face of the far greater enemy of climate change. Rising sea levels due to fossil fuel burning risks making entire countries uninhabitable, so the future must be electric. Furthermore, mineral mining on land produces more harm than in the sea, adding human rights violations on top of environmental challenges. Deep-sea mining is the least harmful solution to global warming.


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by Improve the News Foundation

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