New Woodward Book 'War' Includes Trump, Biden Accusations


  • In his new book, American journalist Bob Woodward claims former US Pres. Donald Trump in 2020 secretly gave Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin COVID testing machines when they were still rare in the pandemic's early days. Woodward also alleges that Putin told Trump not 'to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.'[1]
  • The book, citing one anonymous aide, also claims that Trump has held as many as seven phone calls with Putin since leaving office in 2021. Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, however, has denied all allegations.[1][2]
  • Cheung said that Woodward, whom Trump is currently suing for $50M over a previous book covering the Trump White House in 2019 and 2020, was never given 'access' to the Trump campaign to conduct such reporting.[2][3]
  • The book, which comes out next week, also claims that Pres. Joe Biden refers to Trump using several phrases other than the former president, including 'my predecessor,' 'the former guy,' or derogatory terms like 'a—hole.'[4]
  • The book also alleges that Biden blamed former Pres. Barack Obama's handling of Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea for the current war in Ukraine. He's also alleged to have accused Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu of having 'no strategy' for the Gaza war.[5]
  • Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller said that while he's 'sure' Trump and Putin would know how to remain in contact, he has 'not heard that they’re talking.' This follows accusations that Trump's 2016 campaign worked with Russia, though a special counsel report found no evidence of a criminal conspiracy.[1]

Sources: [1]New York Times, [2]The Telegraph, [3]The Hill, [4]New York Post and [5]Politico.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by CNN. After all these years, Woodward is still publishing the most outstanding reports with solid sources to back them up. Out of all the chilling revelations, however, the most pertinent is the difference between how Trump and Biden deal with Putin. While Trump secretly cozies up to the Russian dictator and gives him life-saving equipment, Biden clearly states that Putin is a threat to the world who needs to be dealt with.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by Federalist and Youtube. Woodward has never been a real journalist. Since the so-called Watergate scandal in the 70s, which we now know was likely linked to US intelligence agencies and their desire to kick Republican Pres. Richard Nixon out of office, Woodward has devoted his life to defaming politicians he doesn't like. Every book he's written about Trump follows the same pattern, and the American people deserve to know this before they waste their money on it.