New Mexico County Commissioner Barred for Jan. 6 Involvement


  • In a ruling on Tues., New Mexico State District Judge Francis Mathew removed Couy Griffin, Otero County Commissioner and co-founder of Cowboys for Trump, from office and prohibited him from ever holding public office again.
  • Mathew cited the Civil War-era Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits any officeholder who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from ever holding state or federal office again while issuing his decision.
  • Mathew also said Cowboys for Trump “played a key role in Stop the Steal mobilization efforts” ahead of Jan. 6. Video footage shows Griffin breaching security barriers and speaking out against then-VP Mike Pence with a bull horn.
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which represented a group of New Mexico residents in their suit against Griffin, said this is the first time a court has designated Jan. 6 as an insurrection.
  • Griffin was originally convicted in federal court of a misdemeanor for entering restricted Capitol grounds, then was subsequently sentenced to 14 days in prison and credited with time served.
  • Griffin was the lone vote against certifying the state’s 2022 primary results this summer before the New Mexico Supreme Court ordered the county commission to certify them.

Sources: FOX News, Daily Wire, NPR Online News, Newsweek, and Independent.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by Daily Kos. Griffin represents the worst among election deniers and right-wing conspiracy theorists, so it was easy for Mathew to take these actions. Hopefully, this ruling will turn the tide nationwide because too many Republicans have been let off the hook by the courts since Jan. 6.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by Breitbart. This is a double standard. If Griffin is an insurrectionist who violated the 14th Amendment, then so too are BLM rioters as well as those who protest outside Supreme Court justices’ homes. Using it against Griffin while letting left-wing extremists off the hook is the ultimate hypocrisy.
