N.Y. Rep.-Elect Santos' Resume Allegations "Serious"


  • A top Republican in Nassau County, N.Y. says that representative-elect George Santos’ (R-N.Y.) reportedly erroneous resume details are "serious" but that he deserves an opportunity to clear his name.
  • The controversy stems from a recent New York Times article that claims Santos lied about attending Baruch College, which the university has no record of, as well as claiming that he worked at Citigroup & Goldman Sachs. The banks also have no record of his employment.
  • There are also questions about Santos’ salary and experience at the Devolder Organization, which Santos called a "family firm." The business was registered in Florida, but it was deemed temporarily "inactive" for not filing its required annual reports.
  • Santos and his attorney, Joe Murray, labeled the Times report a "hit piece," with Murray adding that the "Left is so threatened by a gay, Latino, immigrant and Republican who won a Biden district."
  • Democrats are calling on Santos to resign, labeling him unfit to serve. Incoming House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) says it's an open question as to whether or not Santos should be seated in Congress but says "he appears to be a complete and utter fraud."
  • Despite the controversy, Santos will likely be seated as a member of the incoming Congress. He has expressed support for GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, and House Republicans are unlikely to support removing him.

Sources: CNN, NPR Online News, Bloomberg, Politico, and Business Insider.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by Occupy Democrats. George Santos’ entire election campaign was built on lies. Not only did he fabricate his educational and professional backgrounds, but he also callously lied about working with victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Santos is a serial liar and is unfit to serve in the House of Representatives.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by FOX News. Democrats and their cronies in the media are absolutely terrified by a gay, Latino Republican winning in a blue district, so they are resorting to smear campaigns to stop Rep.-elect George Santos just before he is sworn in. Santos has been in the public eye for a year and campaigned for months, so it's suspicious that these reports are only coming out now.