Man Arrested After Danish PM Assaulted


  • A man was arrested and sentenced to 12 days in jail pending an investigation after Denmark's prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, was assaulted in the country's capital on Friday.1
  • According to officials, Frederiksen suffered a whiplash injury from the incident, which isn't thought to have been 'politically motivated.'2
  • 'Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was hit by a man Friday evening on Kultorvet in Copenhagen. The man was subsequently arrested,' the statement said.3
  • However, two witnesses, speaking to Danish TV, refuted that the Danish leader was 'hit' — rather describing the incident as a 'hard shove.'4
  • 'A man came by in the opposite direction and gave her a hard shove on the shoulder, causing her to fall to the side,' the witnesses said, adding that the Danish leader did not fall to the ground. They said she then sat down at a café.4
  • Meanwhile, a statement from Danish police said: 'We have one person arrested in the case, which we are now investigating. At this time, we have no further comments or remarks on the case.'3

Sources: 1Associated Press, 2Guardian, 3France24 and 4BBC News.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Guardian. This is not only an attack on a respected leader, but democracy in Denmark as a whole. There is absolutely no space for these types of incidents in European society.
  • Narrative B, as provided by Sky News. While this was an inexcusable assault, it appears that Frederiksen's staff have exaggerated this incident. The leader was not hit, but shoved, according to witnesses, and did not sustain any serious injuries.
