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Kosovo Considers Legalizing Same-Sex Unions
Image credit: Ferdi Limani/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

Kosovo Considers Legalizing Same-Sex Unions

Kosovo may soon become the first Muslim-majority country to legalize same-sex marriages....

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by Improve the News Foundation


  • Kosovo may soon become the first Muslim-majority country to legalize same-sex marriages.1
  • Prime Minister Albin Kurti has said that Kosovo will strive to become the second country in the Western Balkans to guarantee its citizens 'the right to a same-sex life partnership.'2
  • According to Kosovo's constitution, marriage is a universal right, but laws must be passed to regulate the unions.3
  • In 2022, Kosovo's parliament rejected a bill that would allow same-sex civil unions, despite Kurti urging the lawmaker to pass the legislation because 'rights belong to us, they belong to everyone.'4
  • Though support for legalizing same-sex unions is on the rise, it remains largely unpopular, with a 2023 survey claiming only 20% of Kosovars support legalizing same-sex marriages.5

Sources: 1US News & World Report, 2IntelliNews, 3Reuters, 4Euronews and


  • Conservative narrative, as provided by Though it may be a progressive step, it's unlikely that same-sex unions will be legalized in Kosovo any time soon. A similar proposal in 2022 failed, and public support for the cause is still meager.
  • Progressive narrative, as provided by AOL. Kosovo should legalize same-sex unions and do more to protect its LGBTQ+ population, which is treated as second-class citizens and faces increased discrimination. The law needs to change, and so do societal opinions and behaviors.


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by Improve the News Foundation

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