Kenya Election: Odinga Challenges William Ruto Win in Supreme Court


  • Longtime opposition leader and defeated presidential candidate Raila Odinga has formally filed a petition challenging the Aug. 9 election results in Kenya's Supreme Court, it was reported on Monday.
  • In his petition, Odinga asks the court to declare the election results invalid, in part because of an alleged mismatch between the turnout figures and the result. Odinga also accuses the Independent Electoral Commission (IEBC) and its chairman Wafula Chebukati of various anti-democratic and fraudulent acts.
  • In a tight race, Chebukati declared first-time candidate William Ruto Kenya's new president last Mon. after he defeated Odinga with about 50.5% of the vote. Five-time presidential candidate Odinga only managed to achieve a little under 49% of the vote.
  • However, four of the seven election commissioners refused to approve the final phase of voting, which Juliana Cherera, the IEBC's deputy chairwoman, described as "opaque."
  • The commission, its chairman, and Ruto now have four days to respond to Odinga's allegations in the form of court filings.
  • In 2017, Odinga successfully challenged the results of the presidential election won by Kenyatta, which was followed by protests that left dozens dead. In the Supreme Court, Kenyatta won the reelection following an opposition boycott.

Sources: France24, BBC News, CBS, Africa, Reuters, and  Washington Post.


  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by Ripples Nigeria. All Kenyans and the international community must now join forces to preserve peace and support Kenya's democracy. After widespread violence followed Kenya's 2007 and 2017 elections, every effort must now be made to ensure that similar scenes are not repeated this year because of the bruised egos of Odinga and his main supporter, Pres. Kenyatta. It is vital to uphold democratic processes.
  • Pro-establishment narrative, as provided by Al Jazeera. All Kenyans and the international community must now join forces to preserve peace and support Kenya's democracy. After widespread violence followed Kenya's 2007 and 2017 elections, every effort must now be made to ensure that similar scenes are not repeated this year because of the bruised egos of Odinga and his main supporter, Pres. Kenyatta. It is vital to uphold democratic processes.