Jan. 6: Meadows' Challenge to Subpoena Dismissed


  • On Monday, a federal judge blocked two lawsuits from Mark Meadows — former Pres. Trump's last chief of staff — challenging subpoenas from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riots.
  • The committee subpoenaed Meadows and his phone provider for documents and testimony in September 2021. He filed suit in December 2021, challenging the committee’s legitimacy based on it having fewer members than were originally authorized, and because none of them were nominated by the GOP.
  • US District Judge Carl Nichols ruled the committee is protected by the Speech or Debate Clause of the Constitution because Meadows’ contact with Trump on Jan. 6 made him a subject of the investigation.
  • Shortly after Meadows filed suit, the committee referred him to the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) on contempt charges, but the DOJ didn’t pursue the case.
  • The committee isn’t just pursuing Meadows. Its recent subpoena to Trump is still awaiting his response before a Friday deadline, and the former president’s testimony has been requested for Nov. 14.
  • Meadows has the opportunity to appeal the decision. Some Republicans have promised to end the committee’s work if they take control of the House after the midterm elections.

Sources: CNN, USA Today, and FOX News.


  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by Washington Examiner. The Jan. 6 committee is out of touch with reality, and its existence is an overreaction to what was for the most part a legitimate protest of questionable election results. Meadows’ correspondence hasn’t been immune to the committee’s distortion of the facts and evidence, and no one should be compelled to cooperate with this illegitimate body.
  • Democratic narrative, as provided by New York Times. Allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election are baseless. Meadows was deeply involved in Trump’s anti-democratic plan to overturn the results of the election, and his full cooperation, including testimony, must be obtained to get to the bottom of what happened before and on Jan. 6. His lawsuits are just his way of running out the clock until the GOP possibly takes over the House majority and disbands the committee.