Israel Strikes Air Base in Central Syria, Killing 2 Soldiers


  • Israeli airstrikes on the Shayrat air base in the central Syrian governorate of Homs killed two Syrian soldiers and wounded three on Sunday, according to the Syrian state news. Several missiles were reportedly intercepted by air defense systems.
  • The attacks took place after Israeli warplanes were seen flying over Lebanon, whose airspace Israeli air forces will pass through to conduct operations in Syria.
  • Syrian journalist Nour Abo Hasan claimed that the airstrikes targeted an Iranian weapons shipment intended for Lebanon's Hezbollah. The shipment was reportedly in transit via the airport, which is often used by Russian forces stationed in the country.
  • A military source said that the runway, underground facilities, and aircraft shelters at Shayra have been greatly expanded by the Russian military over the last three years.
  • The latest attack comes after airstrikes last week targeted a fuel convoy on the Syrian-Iraqi border. The US denied conducting the operation, and some Syrian opposition activists blamed Israel.
  • Israel has reportedly conducted hundreds of strikes on targets inside government-controlled parts of Syria, but seldom acknowledges or discusses them.

Sources: Al Jazeera, CBS, Jerusalem Post, and Reuters.


  • Anti-Iran narrative, as provided by Times of Israel. Israel has been quite clear that it will not permit Iran to freely move weapons and fighters through Syria if it threatens Israeli security. If endangered, Israel will target Iranian assets in all of the countries into which Iran has dug its tentacles. Iran will continue to see strikes like this one if its aggression continues.
  • Pro-Iran narrative, as provided by Al Mayadeen. This is just another example of Israel's constant aggression toward Syria and the resistance as a whole. While the West continually pontificates about Ukrainian sovereignty, it says nothing when Israel violates both Lebanese and Syrian air space on a weekly basis. The US and Israel have no credibility whatsoever.