Israel: Gene-Edited Hens Only Lay Female Eggs


  • On Tuesday, researchers at the Israeli Agricultural Research Organization led by Dr. Yuval Cinnamon announced the development of genetically engineered hens that lay eggs that only hatch females — an advancement that scientists say may prevent the suffering of unwanted male chicks in the future.1
  • The scientists genetically engineered the hens' — who carry Z and W chromosomes — Z chromosome. The eggs laid by the hens, called "Golda hens," are then exposed to blue light — activating the edited DNA. When exposed, the males — made up of two Z chromosomes — stop developing, while the female eggs continue on as normal.2
  • This is significant for both economic and moral reasons. Male chicks cost more to care for than they would ever sell for as meat, and as a result, they're often culled.1
  • The Golda hen’s female eggs that hatch will lay table eggs. These females aren't genetically modified as they inherit the unedited W chromosome from the mother and the untouched Z chromosome from the father.1
  • The team — which has yet to publish the research as it plans to license the science — reportedly worked in tandem with UK-based animal welfare company Compassion in World Farming.2

Sources: 1The Times of Israel and 2BBC News.


  • Narrative A, as provided by The JC. As a result of the human cultivation of chickens and eggs, a stomach-turning seven billion male chicks are killed each year because they hold no commercial value. If genetically-engineered hens help prevent unnecessary loss of life and boost egg production, then it's the right route to take.
  • Narrative B, as provided by The Collector. The process of genetic engineering is a moral double-edged sword. The opportunity to end the slaughter of innocent animals is undoubtedly a good thing. However, editing the genetic code of a living being is unnatural and could have unforeseen consequences.