Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani


  • Hunter Biden on Tuesday filed a suit against former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani — and his lawyer Robert Costello — accusing the politician of the “total annihilation” of his privacy.1
  • The suit filed by President Joe Biden’s son also names several of Guilani's firms, his attorney Robert Costello, and ten other unnamed individuals. It alleges that tampering of his laptop and data violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the California Computer Data Access Fraud Act, along with other rules.2
  • The controversial laptop came to light in an October 2020 New York Post report about how Giuliani and Costello obtained it from the owner of a computer repair shop. The report included details from emails about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.3
  • In May, Biden sued John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repair shop owner, who says he obtained the laptop legally. However, research made by two cyber investigators previously failed to find any evidence that user data was in any way tampered with.4
  • This latest lawsuit follows Biden's indictment this month on gun charges, made after a plea deal fell apart. The president's son has not confirmed that the laptop belongs to him, though has admitted that some of the data at the center of the case is his.5

Sources: 1USA Today, 2Forbes, 3Al Jazeera, 4CBS and 5Washington Post.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by MSNBC. Giuliani opted to get involved with and represent despicable people on the Republican side of the aisle and is now paying the price. This suit adds to the long list of troubles he’s facing, including federal investigations and a suit filed by his own lawyer. He should’ve known he’d have to face the music for his behavior.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by FOX News. The only despicable people here are members of the Biden family. This suit is simply another attempt to take attention away from the real criminals. Luckily, the House GOP has launched an impeachment inquiry against the president and the truth will soon become public.
