Google Settles Gender Discrimination Lawsuit for $118M


  • Concluding what started as a 2017 class-action suit in San Francisco Superior Court by three former female employees, Google agreed to settle accusations of gender discrimination for a total of $118M.1
  • The sum will go to more than 15k women after Google was accused of paying them less than their male counterparts for similar work, placing women in lower-salary jobs, and offering fewer opportunities for promotion.2
  • Under the deal, an independent industrial-organizational psychologist will investigate Google's hiring practices and a third-party economist will review the big tech's internal pay-equity studies and make consequent recommendations.2
  • A hearing on preliminary approval is scheduled for June 21 as it must be approved by a judge.3
  • Although Google has continually denied accusations, the company said 'both sides agreed that resolution of the matter, without any admission or findings, was in the best interest of everyone'.4
  • Gender discrimination suits have been filed against other tech giants, including Microsoft and Oracle.5

Sources: 1Wall Street Journal, 2The Mercury News, 3Al Jazeera, 4Independent and 5New York Times.


  • Progressive narrative, as provided by Breitbart. With a number of similar lawsuits targetting pay gaps appearing against the likes of Microsoft and Twitter without much success, the settlement is a big win for women who feel intentionally underpaid and undervalued in tech companies.
  • Conservative narrative, as provided by Verge. It's clear that woke culture is reaching a point where even its biggest advocates can't keep up. Google, an ultra-woke company, has fallen short of the rapidly increasing and inevitably unattainable demands of woke culture and American civil rights law.