Ghana: Parliament Passes Anti-LGBTQ Bill


  • Ghana's parliament on Wednesday unanimously passed a bill that restricts the rights of LGBTQ+ people. The legislation — reportedly one of the strictest in Africa — is widely supported in the West African country, though rights activists have condemned it.1
  • The bill stipulates that anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ can be punished with up to three years in prison, while anyone who creates or sponsors LGBTQ+ groups can be jailed for up to five years. The bill now heads to Pres. Nana Akufo-Addo for it to be reviewed and signed into law.2
  • The legislation also calls for sentences of up to 10 years in prison for those involved in LGBTQ+ campaigns focused on children and encourages the public to report members of the LGBTQ+ community to the authorities so that 'necessary action' can be taken.3
  • Rights groups have urged the president not to assent to the 'Sexual Rights and Family Values' bill, terming it as a setback for human rights. UN rights chief Volker Turk has called for the bill to be rejected, arguing 'consensual same-sex conduct should never be criminalised.'4
  • Akufo-Addo has previously said that he would never approve of gay marriage as long as he is the president. The bill — a stricter version of the colonial-era law — is backed by a coalition of Christian, Muslim, and traditional Ghanaian leaders.5
  • Per the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, homosexuality is currently illegal in about 30 African countries. While some countries have decriminalized gay marriage, South Africa is the continent's only nation to have legalized it in 2006.6

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2JURIST, 3Africa News, 4Monitor, 5The Guardian and 6Daily Trust.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Modern Ghana. It's outrageous that the so-called human rights organizations are meddling in Ghana's affairs and lecturing the nation. The law, passed unanimously by parliament, reflects the people's will. Like many countries in Africa, Ghana recognized that the West is pushing its permissive agenda which is not aligned with traditional values. Ghana should be applauded for resisting outside pressure and manipulation, and the president should sign the bill into law to protect Ghana's social fabric and culture.
  • Narrative B, as provided by GhanaWeb. The bill is a slap in the face to Ghana's LGBTQ+ community and a major social setback. No one should be punished for who they are, but that's what this disturbing law does. It's inconsistent with Ghana's tradition of tolerance, which has been rooted in society since pre-colonial times. This legislation threatens not only the rights of LGBTQ+ people but also those of all Ghanaians, undermining democratic principles. The president must reject the bill to safeguard Ghana's international reputation and economic process.
