German Military Officer Sent to Prison for Spying for Russia


  • A German military officer was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for sharing sensitive information with Russia, including photographs of munitions training systems and aircraft technology.1
  • The 54-year-old defendant is identified only as Thomas H., and was arrested last August after he supplied the Russian consulate in Bonn with documents to be passed along to Russian intelligence.2
  • Prosecutors say he also approached the Russian embassy in Berlin and 'almost persistently offered himself to Russia.' Thomas H. admitted to passing along information in court on Monday, calling it the 'biggest mess' he had ever made.3
  • He said that he offered to help Russia over fears of a nuclear conflict resulting from the war in Ukraine and of Germany entering a war. He was especially concerned about the €6.6B ($7.1B) in military supplies that Germany has given Ukraine.3
  • His lawyer claimed that he was influenced by pro-Russia content on social media, also noting that he joined the right-wing AfD party. Thomas H. also claimed that he was overworked, which impaired his ability to think critically.3
  • Thomas H. had no prior offenses on his record, and he received a relatively light sentence because he did not materially benefit from sharing information with Russia.4

Sources: 1Yahoo News, 2RT, 3BBC News and 4Al Jazeera.


  • Left narrative, as provided by It seems like Russian propaganda spread on social media and boosted by the far-right AfD party caused a German military officer to betray his country and spy for the Kremlin. The far-right has openly opposed materially supporting Ukraine as it fights off Russia's invasion, and the AfD has flirted with explicitly pro-Putin groups. Russian influence is endangering Germany, and far-right parties like the AfD present an imminent threat to European support for democracy.
  • Right narrative, as provided by Unz. The liberal globalist establishment has labeled dissidents as being 'Pro-Russia' for nearly a decade, and now the German regime is trying to take down the AfD party using the same tired narratives. The establishment across Western countries is deathly afraid of grassroots opposition to open borders policies and endless wars. Recycling Cold War rhetoric is an easy crutch that the regime has relied on, but the tactic is wearing thin.
