French Baguette Earns Spot on UNESCO's 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' List


  • On Wednesday, the Paris-based United Nations heritage body UNESCO voted to add the "artisanal know-how and culture of baguette bread" to its list of "Intangible Cultural Heritage," which includes 600 traditions that span more than 130 countries.
  • French Pres. Macron described the baguette as "250 grams of magic and perfection." More than 6B are produced each year in french bakeries that have been in decline — especially in rural areas in recent years.
  • The origin of the baguette remains unknown but it has been suggested that Napoleon ordered the bread for soldiers because it was easy to carry. Some credit the shape to an Austrian baker from the 1830s.
  • UN cultural agency chief and former French culture minister, Audrey Azoulay said, "it is important that these craft knowledge and social practices can continue to exist in the future." Following the announcement, the French government now plans to designate an artisanal baguette day to be dubbed "Open Bakehouse Day."
  • A Paris resident suggested: "It's very easy to get a bad baguette in France. It's the traditional baguette from the traditional bakery that's in danger." Though the ingredients are simple, the baking process sets the bread apart from others — baguette dough must rest for 15 to 20 hours at between 4°C and 6°C as designated by the French Bakers Confederation.

Sources: Reuters, Washington Post, BBC News, Good Morning America, and Sky News.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Wander-Lush. Food culture is part of humanity. It's not just about the foods we eat but about why we eat food, how we prepare it, and who we share our cuisine with. Food connects us to history and allows people to connect across societies. It is important to protect these cultural foods to safeguard our traditions and continue to share in our shared history — the baguette is a great example.
  • Narrative B, as provided by Sixth Tone. There are significant flaws in the UNESCO application and selection process for the Intangible Cultural Heritage list. For example, the process has largely excluded Chinese cuisine from the recognition, which is focused on unique historical know-how and skills. To have a more effective selection process, UNESCO must stop treating the process as a Western-centric publicity stunt and focus on humanity's collective culinary legacy.