Four Oath Keepers Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy


  • Four members of the Oath Keepers on Monday were convicted of seditious conspiracy related to their involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, riots at the US Capitol and their role in attempting to stop the certification of the 2020 election results in order to keep then-Pres. Trump in office.
  • Seditious conspiracy is defined by the US Code as two or more people attempting to "overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the government of the United States or to levy war against" it. It can also relate to people who “prevent, hinder or delay” the carrying out of a law or “seize, take, or possess” US property without permission.
  • Joseph Hackett, Roberto Minuta, David Moerschel, and Edward Vallejo were also found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, aiding and abetting, and conspiracy to prevent a member of Congress from discharging their official duties.
  • During the trial, prosecutors described to the 12-member jury a plot to keep Trump in power via armed rebellion, which was detailed in text messages between Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes and members. The Oath Keepers also allegedly stored weapons in a nearby hotel, although they were never used.
  • Defense attorneys claimed there was no plan for the Oath Keepers to enter the Capitol and that they were in Washington to provide security. A sentencing date wasn't immediately set, but seditious conspiracy convictions carry up to 20 years in prison.
  • In November, Rhodes and Kelly Meggs, leader of the Oath Keepers’ Florida chapter, were convicted of seditious conspiracy. The US is currently also trying five members of the Proud Boys, another right-wing group, for seditious conspiracy.

Sources: Reuters, Newsweek, CNN, Associated Press, and Al Jazeera.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by Washington Post. The Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol weren’t a peaceful protest gone awry but were a planned assault on the government and its election. More than 1k people have been charged with crimes relating to what happened that day, and these seditious conspiracy convictions are rightfully punishing those who organized and led the violence in those riots.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by America Greatness. In its case against the Oath Keepers, the Dept. of Justice is flexing its muscles to show that it can criminalize dissent, and its allies in corporate media are acting as its PR team. Despite having little-to-no evidence of a conspiracy to overthrow the government, the DOJ charged members of a conservative group with sedition. Instead of crafting a legitimate case, they built a narrative and stacked the deck in their favor.