Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin Dies at 96


  • On Wednesday, state media reported that China's former Pres. Jiang Zemin, who took power following the Tiananmen Square protests and presided over a period where the country witnessed high-speed growth, died in his home in Shanghai at 96 from leukemia and multiple organ failure.
  • His death comes amid some of the most serious protests in China since the student protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989, with many demonstrating against COVID restrictions.
  • Under Jiang, who served as China’s president from 1993-2003 and was head of the Communist Party from 1989 to 2002, the government stamped out dissent and banned the Falun Gong spiritual movement.
  • Jiang also led China out of isolation, however, by supporting economic reforms that led to a decade of explosive growth. Under Jiang, China enjoyed a revival of market-oriented reforms, received Hong Kong back from British rule in 1997, and joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
  • Although Jiang gave up his last official title in 2004, he reportedly remained a force behind the scenes in the row that led to the rise of current Pres. Xi Jinping, who took power in 2012. Xi has stuck to Jiang’s mix of economic liberalization and strict political controls.
  • Following the announcement, Chinese state media outlets posted the same black-and-white photo of a chrysanthemum, and state broadcaster CCTV said flags would fly at half-mast at all Chinese government buildings. Jiang is survived by his wife, Wang Yeping, and two sons.

Sources: BBC News, Reuters, CNBC, Smh, and France24.


  • Pro-China narrative, as provided by RT. Jiang was a reformist who oversaw a successful opening and expansion of China’s economy, growing the country into an economic and political powerhouse to rival the US. Even after leaving office, he remained influential in China's success. His achievements should be commemorated.
  • Anti-China narrative, as provided by BreitBart. Jiang repeatedly tried to justify the Tiananmen Square massacre, after which his government violently crushed all dissent, and he presided over the mass murder of members of Falun Gong. There’s no way to polish over the evil he oversaw no matter how many economic and geopolitical accomplishments his government had.
