First Capitol Rioter to Face Trial Sentenced to 7 Years


  • Guy Reffitt, an associate of the right-wing Texas Three Percenters militia, was sentenced on Mon. to more than seven years in prison for taking part in the US Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021.1
  • Reffitt was the first person to go on trial for Jan. 6, as opposed to taking a plea agreement, and his sentence is two years longer than the previous longest prison sentence for a Capitol riot defendant.2
  • The District Judge who presided over the case, Dabney Friedrich, said 'Mr. Reffitt's reluctance to admit early that his behavior is illegal is concerning.'3
  • In addition to reportedly threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and bringing a loaded weapon to the Capitol, Reffitt also threatened his children if they reported him after the fact. His 19-year-old son, Jackson, took the stand against him at trial.2
  • Judge Friedrich - who denied prosecutors' request to apply a terrorism enhancement - stressed that although Reffitt's actions weren't as violent as others, they nonetheless put hundreds of people in danger.4
  • Reffitt never actually entered the Capitol, and his sentencing comes as Jan 6. participants continue to face federal prosecution for their actions that day.5

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2FOX News, 3CNN, 4New York Times and 5Daily Mail.


  • Left narrative, as provided by CNN. Reffitt, like other Jan. 6 rioters, is facing the consequences of his own actions. He's lucky that the judge decided not to tack on domestic terrorism charges, even though his actions were deeply unpatriotic and threatened the foundations of American democracy.
  • Pro-Trump narrative, as provided by FOX News. It's absurd to persecute those who participated in the Jan. 6 protests with such ferocity and jail a man for 7 years who didn't even enter the Capitol. The Democrats are the real anti-Americans, demonizing citizens who were simply exercising their democratic rights as 'domestic terrorists.'