FBI Raids Home of NY Mayor Adams' Campaign Fundraiser


  • FBI agents raided the home of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ chief fundraiser Thursday amid a probe into whether his 2021 mayoral campaign received illegal donations from foreign nationals and companies via a Brooklyn-based construction company, according to anonymous officials.1
  • Several agents entered the home of Brianna Suggs seeking evidence of whether Adams’ campaign conspired with the Turkish government and the company to funnel foreign money via straw donors — a third party that donates other people’s money using their own name.2
  • The raid occurred while Adams was traveling to Washington, DC, to discuss immigration with government officials — a meeting he canceled to return to New York. Adams hasn’t been accused of any crimes, but several of his associates are being investigated.3
  • The authorities reportedly believe that the Turkish government may have used the KSK Construction Group to donate $14K to Adams’ campaign.4
  • Adams said that he hasn't been contacted by any law enforcement agency and claimed that he abides by all campaign standards, adding he was shocked to learn about the raid, in which agents reportedly seized three iPhones, two laptops, and several records.5
  • After canceling his DC visit on Thursday, Adams on Friday backed out of another event. Corruption watchdog groups have scrutinized Suggs’ dual positions as a campaign official while also starting her own lobbying firm — a role Suggs says didn't violate any laws.6

Sources: 1CNN, 2New York Post, 3Reuters, 4ABC7 New York, 5CBS and 6FOX 5 New York.


  • Narrative A, as provided by The New York Times. It seems like Eric Adams and corruption are so intertwined that it's impossible to separate him from his long list of questionable actions and even more questionable associates. While this probe is in its infancy, it points to a larger pattern of mismanagement that speaks to his ability to properly govern New York City.
  • Narrative B, as provided by New York Post. Too many are jumping to conclusions about Eric Adams. The FBI’s warrant was vague, and agents have yet to even contact him about this investigation. Adams has shown that he is willing to comply with all law enforcement officials and takes any accusation very seriously. He shouldn't be considered guilty of a crime he hasn’t even been accused of.