CDC Announces Restructuring Amid COVID Shortcomings


  • After calling for an in-depth review in April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky announced a reorganization of the agency on Wed. after allegations it fell short in its COVID response.
  • Among the changes announced were restructuring the communications office, revamping its website to make public health guidance easier to find, and increasing the use of 'pre-print' reports for disseminating information to the public more quickly.
  • Other plans outlined in Walensky's brief included requiring states to report data and allowing the agency to hire staff more quickly by offering competitive salaries. Both suggestions would need congressional approval.
  • Walensky plans to appoint Mary Wakefield, the former acting deputy sec. of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, to lead the restructuring, as well as create an equity office and executive council reporting directly to her.
  • The CDC has previously been accused of being too focused on data collection and analysis without taking quick action against health threats, with the 11K-employee agency facing increased scrutiny over its response to both COVID and monkeypox.
  • The agency was criticized for being too slow on several fronts, including recognizing how much virus was entering the US, recommending masks, announcing the virus was airborne, and ramping up systemic testing for new variants.

Sources: Abc, FOX News, Reuters, and Wall Street Journal.


  • Right narrative, as provided by New York Post. Don't restructure the CDC, disband it. No apology is going to make up for the way the CDC stripped Americans of their freedom during COVID, and flip-flopped in its advice about almost everything. This agency has outlived its usefulness.
  • Left narrative, as provided by Politico. This important institution has been underfunded for a long time. This restructuring is a testament to Director Walensky's leadership - she's being transparent about her agency's shortcomings and is willing to take steps to make necessary structural changes. Her announcement will help make America safer from future pandemics.