California Governor Vetoes Contentious AI Safety Bill


  • California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) has vetoed an artificial intelligence (AI) safety bill that would have provided first-in-the-US safety measures for large AI models.[1]
  • The bill, known as SB 1047, would have mandated third-party testing and whistleblower protections to prevent 'severe harm' such as mass casualties or property damage over $500M.[2]
  • Newsom blocked the bill, authored by Democratic State Senator Scott Wiener, stating it fails to consider 'whether an AI system is deployed in high-risk environments' or if it 'involves critical decision-making or the use of sensitive data.'[3][4]
  • He said the bill applied 'stringent standards to even the most basic functions' and that California needs 'workable guardrails' for generative AI.[5]
  • However, Wiener claimed his bill is a 'light-touch' requirement that many AI majors have already voluntarily committed to, adding that Newsom's veto leaves AI companies with 'no binding restrictions from U.S. policymakers.'[6]
  • Backed by AI firms like Elon Musk's xAI and Amazon-backed Anthropic, the bill targeted AI models that cost more than $100M to develop.[7]

Sources: [1]New York Times, [2]South China Morning Post, [3]CNN, [4]CNA, [5]Reuters, [6]Fortune and [7]CBS.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Ft. This bill risked stifling innovation, particularly among smaller AI companies and open-source developers. It focused on hypothetical risks rather than practical, targeted safety solutions. Newsom's decision preserves California's leadership in AI by promoting a more balanced, science-based approach to regulation that supports innovation while effectively addressing safety concerns.
  • Narrative B, as provided by GovTech. Newsom has retreated from a crucial first step toward meaningful regulation of potentially dangerous AI technologies. SB 1047 sought to regulate AI to prevent catastrophic harm while encouraging responsible development. Newsom's veto is a missed opportunity, compromising proactive governance and preserving the status quo.
