Border Agents Wrongly Accused of 'Whipping' Migrants to Face Disciplinary Action


  • Texas border patrol agents who were accused of 'whipping' Haitian migrants are reportedly set to be disciplined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).1
  • The original allegations of 'whipping' were quickly debunked, as the agents were determined to be swirling their long reins to control the horses. But the images went viral and caused outrage among many, including Pres. Biden, who said the agents would be punished.2
  • The photographer who took some of the photos, Paul Ratje, said he never saw anyone being whipped, but that they can be 'misconstrued when looking at a still photo.'2
  • The agents have been cleared of any criminal misconduct during the incident on Sep. 19 of last year, but DHS will reportedly be charging them with 'administrative violations.'1
  • The DHS's Office of Personnel Responsibility (OPR) has been reviewing the case for months and said the agents will receive 'due process' and be given a chance to respond to allegations.2
  • As many as 16k Haitian migrants arrived at the border, but fewer than 5% were granted asylum, with the remainder being deported back to Haiti.3

Sources: 1Daily Caller, 2Daily Mail and 3Vice.


  • Right narrative, as provided by FOX News. This is authoritarian behavior on the part of Biden. He wasn't able to punish the agents for criminal misconduct, so he's decided to conjure up some 'administrative violations' to target agents who were simply doing their job but went against the open border philosophy of his liberal voters. Every American should be outraged.
  • Left narrative, as provided by CNBC. Even if they weren't using whips on migrants, the use of horses to herd human beings is still inhumane and was ended as a practice by federal law enforcement. Immigration should never be deemed a crime, and once we learn that, we won't have agents treating them like criminals.