Biden Vows to Stay in Presidential Race


  • US Pres. Joe Biden on Friday hit back at critics and vowed to fight on in the presidential race after a televised debate performance hosted by CNN a day earlier had many — including Democratic party operatives — reportedly questioning whether he was fit to lead America for another four years.1
  • Biden told his supporters at a campaign rally in North Carolina: 'I know what millions of Americans know. When you get knocked down, you get back up.'2
  • Admitting that he wasn't 'a young man' and can't 'debate' as well as he used to, the 81-year-old leader insisted: 'But I know what I do know, I know how to tell the truth [and] I know how to do this job.'1
  • Apparently addressing age concerns, Biden added: 'I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job. The stakes are too high.'3
  • ABC News will host the second debate between Biden and former Pres. Donald Trump on Sept. 10, after both presumptive nominees formally accept their party's nomination.4

Sources: 1BBC News, 2Guardian, 3Reuters and 4CBS.


  • Narrative A, as provided by Politico. Everyone has bad moments; even champions lose ground. However, the election is still a choice between someone who's fought for ordinary Americans all their life and someone only interested in themselves. This election is more important than ever, and Biden is still the right man to lead the US.
  • Narrative B, as provided by New York Times. While Biden is right to describe this as a crucial election in which the future of America's democracy is at stake, voters can't be expected to brush aside the obvious fact that he is no longer up to the task. If the Democrats want to defeat Trump, it's time for Biden to step aside.
