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Biden to Extend Healthcare For DACA Migrants

On Thursday, US Pres. Joe Biden's administration announced a plan to allow undocumented immigrants enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — known as 'Dreamers' — to apply for access to federal health insurance services....

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by Improve the News Foundation
Biden to Extend Healthcare For DACA Migrants
Image credit: NBC


  • On Thursday, US Pres. Joe Biden's administration announced a plan to allow undocumented immigrants enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — known as 'Dreamers' — to apply for access to federal health insurance services.1
  • Under the proposal, about 580K Dreamers would be eligible for Medicaid and Affordable Care Act coverage via an amendment of the term “lawful presence' to include migrants.2
  • DACA recipients can already apply for some health services in the US, including emergency Medicaid, which covers emergency medical treatment for those ineligible for Medicaid only due to their citizenship and immigration status.3
  • This plan comes as DACA — a 2012 initiative to prevent immigrants illegally brought to the US as children from being deported — is in jeopardy after facing legal challenges for years, with court orders currently preventing the Dept. of Homeland Security from processing new applications.4
  • In February, nine US states asked a Texas federal judge to shut down the program enacted by former Pres. Barack Obama on claims that Biden renewed it without approval from Congress, thus overstepping his constitutional authorities.5
  • Biden, who vowed to protect Dreamers and their families during his 2020 presidential campaign, has urged Congress to establish a pathway to citizenship for them. Meanwhile, a source familiar with the plan said it could take months or longer to finalize through the federal regulatory process.6

Sources: 1Al Jazeera, 2New York Post, 3NPR Online News, 4Associated Press, 5FOX News and 6Reuters.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by Latino victory. The Biden administration’s decision to recognize the rights of Dreamers is an admirable and necessary move that helps protect America’s immigrant communities. Healthcare is a human right, and people shouldn't be excluded from receiving the care they need because of their immigration status.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by American Thinker. Biden and the Democratic Party continue to prioritize illegal immigrants over American citizens by giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to over 500K illegals. While working-class Americans have to deal with rampant inflation and soaring energy prices, Biden keeps spending their money to buy potential votes.


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